
Said Dr. Ali Gomaa, the former Mufti of Egypt, and a member of the Council of Senior Scholars in Al-Azhar, is the many references and literature on the Day of Resurrection, in preparation for its occurrence, has said in our book Almighty said: 18 of Surat Muhammad.

If Juma is on his Facebook page, he is a section of scientists who participated on their front page in the world. The emergence of corruption, the abandonment of religion, lack of reason, lack of science, your popularity, and what about you?

To save: and to drink liquor and rename it by name, and frequent adultery and betrayal,

The men wore silk, the credit of the traitor and rounded him, the treason of the secretary, the appearance of obscenity and obscenity, taking mosques ways,

And death suddenly appears, the emergence of temptation and pan evil, and frequent earthquakes,

Frequent killings, and the collapse of the United Nations

And seeking the science of the younger ones, the appearance of naked women,

And the emergence of people with them

Fools are exported and spoken to in public matters.

Allah Almighty created for man? Eternity in a resident hell, living in a volatile life ending with death, then resurrected from their death to the Day of Resurrection. Which coincides with the resurrection, the publication, the offer to God?

The horrors of Judgment Day

What begins on Judgment Day?

In your souls in the pictures: It is the first day of Judgment Day!

Resurrection after death: Here comes the dead to life by God's command, for the people of the Lord of the Worlds, and begins to count people.

Hashr: After resurrected from their graves.

The intercession of the Holy Prophet: After long standing people, and their position intensifies to the prophets of God until they intercede in God to begin the account, the prophets to be intercessors of people with God, sold "myself myself", until they reach the Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him - to say " My nation my nation, "then ask Allah."

Flying newspapers: It is from the Day of Judgment. To Nwahih, or disbelief in God and disobeying his command.

The weight of the works: Where do the scales divide on the Day of Judgment?

Roses basin: It is the basin of the Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him -, sits drinking systematically.

Cross the Path: where their personalities are expressed!

Reason for reckoning: After crossing the path believers enter the Garden of God, and the unbelievers immortalize in hell to begin a life of immortality.

Preparation for the Day of Judgment

If the Day of Resurrection in the Koran will find a day does not benefit money or sons, and what about the Day of Resurrection?


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